Venom blockchain Testnet

Wow, this is epic news, fellow crypto enthusiasts!

Venom Blockchain has achieved an incredible milestone, surpassing one million registered wallets in record time! Their mission to drive mainstream adoption of blockchain technology while staying compliant with regulations has been the key driving force behind their exponential growth.

The Venom Foundation, a true pioneer in adopting blockchain technology within regulated markets, accomplished this momentous feat on July 25, just a few months after launching their testnet on April 26th. The popularity and adoption of Venom’s advanced blockchain solutions are skyrocketing, setting a new benchmark in the field.

What’s driving this rapid growth? Venom’s innovative tech, strict regulatory compliance, and user-friendly environment that caters to a diverse user base are the secret sauce. With smooth operations and regular updates on the Venom testnet, they’re constantly attracting and retaining users.

Let’s talk numbers! In June alone:

  • Venom clocked a jaw-dropping 277 million transactions, a massive 46% increase from the previous month.
  • The platform witnessed a 65% surge in smart contract accounts, now reaching a staggering 28 million.
  • And don’t even get me started on the NFTs! The recent growth saw a remarkable 93% rise in minted NFTs through on-chain/social tasks, reaching a mind-blowing 5.8 million.
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It’s no wonder they’re at the forefront of the industry. Venom’s unwavering commitment to research, development, transparency, and strategic partnerships has fueled their exponential growth.

Hold on, there’s more! The Venom Foundation stands tall as the first-ever organization to receive a blockchain license from the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), showcasing their compliance with international laws and governance standards.

Christopher Louis Tsu, acting CTO and CEO of Venom Foundation, couldn’t hide his excitement, stating, “Frankly speaking, it took me completely by surprise. We had 250,000 users in the first six days. Can you imagine opening a new shop in town, drawing the curtains back and seeing a quarter of a million people lined up outside your door?”

This landmark achievement, coupled with their incredible growth, proves that the public is putting their trust in Venom, recognizing the boundless potential of blockchain to revolutionize traditional financial systems.

For those who want to dive deeper, the Foundation’s whitepaper is a must-read, revealing their cutting-edge technologies, framework, and the endless possibilities of their platform.

Let’s toast to Venom Blockchain’s phenomenal success! 🚀🔥🎉

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